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Call: 319-621-4911
Quick Answers. For many callers, our free courtesy phone-based support is all that’s needed to solve simple problems quickly.
Free Local Advice. With a few questions over the phone, we suggest your best support options depending on your location, product brand, warranty status, and other factors.
Tech Solutions. For problems that aren’t covered by a warranty, or answered easily over the phone, we provide an array of remote and on-site services.
After-Hours and Weekend Phone Support. We volunteer to take calls and provide general support for local colleges and tech businesses. That means you can get your quick questions answered without waiting over night or over the weekend for help desks and businesses to be available again. We can direct you to the right local business for your needs, give you their contact information, and provide you with their hours of operation.
Apple Mac Computer Repair. In Iowa City, we are fortunate to have an excellent authorized Apple repair center for Mac computers and iPhones. Visit to learn more. For in-warranty hardware repair, and out-of-warranty repairs, this is the best local option. For help with using your computer, additional local options are available when hardware repairs are not necessary.
From Iowa City to the World. Because of our helpful tech articles, we have visitors from around the world. The map below shows recent visitors to our site.